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Proficient in Reading:
Distinguished in Reading:
Proficient in Math:
Distinguished in Math:
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School Name
Barret Traditional Middle
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ABOUT Barret Traditional Middle School

We will ensure that every scholar is held to the highest standards of academics and behavior while providing them with the personalized support they need to achieve EXCELLENCE in all that they do.

About BTMS

Barret Students walkig

BTMS puts great pride in the parts that make up its whole.

Cheer Team

High-quality instruction in the core subjects. Long-standing tradition of top-rated academic performance. Award-winning athletics, featuring district and state championships in basketball, football, tennis, volleyball, field hockey, baseball, cheer, dance, and golf.

Schoolwide emphasis on service learning through the Barret Cares Program, which provides community-service opportunities.

Outstanding related arts opportunities in art; chorus; music; band; orchestra; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); physical education (PE); and health.